But alas, I still have to begin the novel from memory. I can look at this situation in two ways: I can throw ashes on my head, rend my clothing and rail in despair, "O woe is me!" or I can regard this as an opportunity for a fresh start to my novel. Attitude is everything, right?
In the days before our computer crash, I was introduced online to a singer-songwriter by the name of Ted Vigil. Among other things, Ted is a John Denver tribute artist who hails from my area. The physical resemblance he bears to John in addition to his voice is really eerie. At first, I didn't want anything to do with him because he seemed like a living phantom of the beloved troubadour, and the similarities were just too bizarre for me to handle.
Back in the 1980's, I was a HUGE John Denver fan. In fact, soon after purchasing two of his albums at the time I wrote him a letter, and to my surprise he wrote back! I still have the letter and intend to keep it forever. I remember the day I found out he had died. I was in med tech school waiting for our microbiology lecture to begin, and a classmate mentioned it. Shocked, I shrieked "What????" With a pale countenance and saucer-wide eyes my classmate timidly looked at me and solemnly replied, "Uh oh, I thought you knew-sorry!" I immediately walked out of the classroom and went outside to get some air. The news felt surreal and stung badly.
A couple days after first learning about Ted, I decided to give him a look-see, after all-it wasn't his fault that he looked & sounded the way he did. I watched an online video of him singing, and decided that he was indeed very talented. What struck me most was that he didn't appear to be deliberately "channeling" John or trying to be his clone, but simply a gifted individual trying to honor another artist. I noticed that Ted's voice was a bit lighter and brighter than John's was, and my heart seemed to soar when I listened to him sing. Yes, Ted was still Ted, but honoring John in his own unique way. I immediately became a fan and ordered his cd. It arrived the next day-yay for great merchandising skills! I listened to it twice on the way home from work one day; I say twice because I was caught in the 9th circle of Seattle traffic hell! One of his songs in particular caught my attention and I later learned that Ted had co-written it as well as a few other songs on the cd. I really appreciated that because it confirmed to me that Ted was indeed not trying to be a John Denver clone and was also a gifted songwriter. It would have been a huge deal-breaker for me if Ted had sold his own identity to become exactly like John, thinking that it would be more financially lucrative to do so. I wouldn't want that for anyone. Ted felt like a huge breath of fresh air - another fresh start. I can now listen to the tunes I've always loved without feeling the same old desolate sadness. Ted's artistry provided the sunshine that scattered the darkness of loss for me, and I was so ready for it.
To check Ted Vigil out for yourself, please go to his website: http://www.tedvigil.com/
On Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Ted-Vigil-John-Denver-Tribute-Artist/202897027839
And on MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/tedvigilmusic
You know Mary Anne, I've been harping on my husband for years about getting an external hard drive. NOW he will finally get one! Your solution is a good one-and I've had to do something similar recently-great minds think alike-lol! Thanks for your encouragement on the book-it's greatly appreciated! Happy New Year too!